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Coconut Water Benefits

Not just a myth, coconut water does have many health benefits, including the following.


Provide benefits similar to cow's milk. Coconut milk protein content of 0.2 g / 100 g, while cow's milk 3.2 g / 100 g. All animal proteins (except gelatin) is a complete protein, containing all essential amino acids. Cow's milk contains essential amino acids certainly more complete than coconut water. Essential amino acids alone is an amino acid that the body is absolutely necessary, but can not be formed by the body. So it should come from outside. Which included essential amino acids such as lysine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, valine, methionine, and histidine. In coconut water, arginine amino acid content of 12.75%, 2.41% alanine, cysteine (1.17%), serine (0.91%), which implies indeed higher than cow's milk. But the four amino acids are not essential amino acids. Here's the difference. Average other amino acids found in coconut water is; glutamine, histidine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, leucine, lysine, tyrosine and histidine. Glutamine is an amino acid highest coconut water.


Clean Baby's skin at birth. 
Coconut water does contain a variety of vitamins. Among the dominant vitamin C, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, and riboflavin. Vitamin C alone act as antioxidants, skin care, and helps the formation of collagen tissue. Collagen itself is very necessary for the integrity of cell structure in all connective tissue, also for the flexibility and suppleness. "So, vitamin C and collagen contained in coconut water drunk by a mother who is pregnant, can help make the baby's skin becomes cleaner and chewy," said dr. Endang Peddyawati, MS, SpGK., Clinical nutrition specialist from the department of Friendship, Jakarta. So make the body limp.


In 2000, FAO (world food agency) even named coconut water as a natural energy drink. In addition, coconut water does contain isotonic fluids, similar to the composition of the electrolyte and fluid in the body that can reduce the effects of dehydration because of reduced body fluids. Thus, coconut water will not make your body so weak, especially because coconut water contains carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins and ions are able to provide energy for your body. 


Reducing the effects of alcohol.

Alcoholic drinks into the stomach can indeed be removed by drinking coconut water to make vomiting (due to coconut water can serve as an antidote or antidote to certain substances). Coconut water can also dilute the concentration of liquor, until the effect becomes weaker. However,  when the liquor has penetrated into the tissue-especially when it does cause Permanent tissue damage,  the consumption of coconut water is absolutely no benefit. 


Solve kidney stones and remove it. 
A study ever conducted to patients with kidney stones. Coconut water that serves as a diuretic can remove kidney stones in these patients. "Surely the stone is very small," said dr. Peddy. But if the stone is already bigger than the urinary tract, we can't rely on the coconut water to cure that. 


Reduce fever and increase platelets for the Dengue Fever patients.

"As other diseases caused by viruses, dengue fever associated with endurance," said dr. Peddy. For patients with dengue fever it is important to  prevent shock by keeping the body fluids, either by drinking or through infusion. Depending on the patient's condition. Coconut water is needed because it has content such as isotonic fluids of the body (but not to increase platelets). Platelets will rise in line along with the healing process. 


Preventing dehydration. 
Lack of fluids will lead to dehydration can be fatal (especially for infants). In such circumstances, the provision of water alone is not enough. Likewise, in the state of fluid loss due to exercise (sweat out). Needed electrolytes. Coconut water is rich in electrolytes. It can help you from dehydration 


Improving immune system. 
The immune system is established between the other of the protein. 
With a low protein content, then it is likely the ability to form the antibody is also low. Coconut water contains lauric acid which is an antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. In a small number of coconut water also contains glutamine and arginine which can help fight the virus. "So the coconut water can also be rely on to build up the immune system," said dr. Peddy. 


Neutralize toxins. 
Coconut water does contain an antidote but not for all kinds of toxins. If the toxic is still present in the stomach so Coconut water can help remove it by spewing  it out or rinsing it.. 
The Coconut water also can help to dilute if the poison had already slipped into the blood, so it can be excreted through the kidneys.


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